We conduct our assessments as a two-step process
1. Screening
2. Diagnostic Assessment
We offer our ADHD assessment service as a two-step process as it allows us to provide a thorough initial screening without clients incurring the costs of a full evaluation if they are unlikely to meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
To proceed with any of the ADHD assessment options, you will need to purchase the ADHD Screening Assessment service first.
Service Options
We offer several options for adults who are interested in being assessed for ADHD.
- Screening
ADHD Screening Assessment
The Screening Assessment includes a questionnaire and a number of assessment forms that have been developed to assist in the diagnosis of ADHD and other mental health conditions in adults.
The information submitted will be reviewed by a registered psychologist and you will be provided with feedback about whether the submitted information supports the pursuit of a formal diagnostic assessment.
Alternatively, the Screening Assessment is a great option for those who are curious about whether they may have ADHD, but are not really interested in getting a formal diagnosis.
GP Referral
The screening assessment can be started without a GP referral. However, if you have accessed or received services from Te Whatu Ora (formerly DHB) mental health and addiction services, a GP referral is required.
If you are interested in pursuing a diagnostic assessment with consideration of medication, a GP referral will be required, and this can be obtained after the screening has been completed.
A positive screen for ADHD does not guarantee a diagnosis of ADHD will be made.
- Screening + Diagnostic Assessment (no medication)
ADHD Diagnostic Assessment
For those who are not interested in pursuing stimulant medication treatment, or who have a relationship with a psychiatrist who can manage that for them, a stand alone diagnostic assessment with a registered psychologist is an option.
- This service includes:
- Screening Assessment
- Diagnostic Assessment Interview
- Written Report outlining any appropriate diagnoses and treatment recommendations
The Screening Assessment is the initial step in the formal Diagnostic Assessment procedure and can be started without a GP referral.
- This service includes:
- Screening + Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment (with consideration of special authority for medication)
ADHD Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment
This diagnostic assessment service requires A GP referral
We offer a Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment for ADHD that includes input from both a registered psychologist and psychiatrist.
If a diagnosis of ADHD is made, and you are interested in pursuing medication treatment, the psychiatrist involved in the multidisciplinary assessment can apply for special authority.
- This service includes:
- Screening Assessment
- Diagnostic Assessment Interview
- Multidisciplinary review of results
- Written Report outlining any appropriate diagnoses and treatment recommendations
- Special Authority for stimulant medication if it is indicated
The Screening Assessment is the initial step in the Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment procedure and can be started without a GP referral.
- This service includes:
- Existing ADHD Diagnosis: Multidisciplinary Review and Special Authority
Existing ADHD Diagnosis: Multidisciplinary Review and Special Authority
For clients without previously approved Special Authority
If you have had a formal assessment, and have been diagnosed by a registered psychologist or psychiatrist in the past (in New Zealand or overseas), and you are considering the use of stimulant medication to treat your symptoms, we may be able to help.
This service requires A GP referral
How it works
Your doctor will need to send us:
- A referral AND
- A copy of your completed psychological assessment confirming a diagnosis of ADHD
Once we have received these documents, we will send you a link to purchase the service.
During the checkout steps, you will book an appointment with a member of our clinical team to have a brief consultation. After purchasing the service, you will also be sent a link to some questionnaires for you to complete.
Review + Special Authority
The information you provide will be reviewed by our multidisciplinary team, which includes input from both a registered psychologist and psychiatrist.
If our team determines that the information provided is sufficient to meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, and there are no contraindications, we will apply for Special Authority and refer you back to your GP who will then be responsible for initiating your medication and providing ongoing prescriptions.
If our team determines that there is not sufficient evidence to support the diagnosis, we will work with you to attempt to resolve the identified concerns.
Assessment Process
1. Screening
- Screening Assessment
Once you have paid for the screening assessment, and completed the registration form, links to the screening forms will be sent to you and the person or people you nominated to gather collateral information.
Collateral Information
You will be asked to fill in a registration form with your personal details, as well as the names and contact details of people who know you well, both now and as a child. This is referred to as collateral information and is required to proceed with our services.
Why do we collect Collateral Information?
To ensure all ADHD diagnostic criteria are met, collateral support of both current and childhood symptoms is required.
The information from collateral sources is typically gathered using questionnaires that will be sent directly to the nominated person(s).
Current Symptoms
- Collateral information about your current symptoms can be provided by anyone who knows you well now.
Childhood Symptoms
- Collateral information about childhood symptoms can come from
- Caregivers
- Parents
- Siblings
- Extended family or
- Anyone who knew you well enough to report on your symptoms during childhood (before age 12 years).
- School reports can also be helpful in documenting childhood symptoms and difficulties.
- Review of Screening Assessment
Once all the screening forms have been completed, the information submitted will be reviewed by a registered psychologist and you will be provided with feedback about whether the information that is submitted supports the pursuit of a formal diagnostic assessment.
You will receive an email from our team with instructions on the next steps to take
2. Diagnostic Assessment
- Appointment
We can offer appointments within 1-2 weeks after the screening forms have been completed and reviewed.
The diagnostic assessment interview usually takes about an hour, and is used to follow up on responses from the completed screening forms and to gather additional information about the person's history and any other potential causes of the person's difficulties, including other mental health conditions.
- Diagnosis
The diagnosis of ADHD in adults is determined by the answers to four key questions:
- Does the person have symptoms and difficulties that are consistent with ADHD?
- Is there evidence that those symptoms and difficulties were present during childhood?
- Are the symptoms and difficulties associated with impairment across multiple settings?
- Is there a better explanation for the person's symptoms and difficulties? (e.g., head injury, chronic insomnia, or other acute mental health conditions).
- Diagnostic Report
After the forms are completed and the diagnostic assessment interview has taken place, a report is generated that includes any appropriate diagnoses and treatment recommendations.
We aim to have the report ready within 10 business days of the assessment and you will receive a notification via email once it is available.
- Prescriptions
Our team does not prescribe stimulant medication. Instead, we apply for special authority and then refer you back to your GP who will then be responsible for initiating your medication and providing ongoing prescriptions.
- Medication Changes
Medication changes due to ineffectiveness or side effects
As part of our duty of care, our clinical team is available for GPs to consult with regarding medication changes, side effect management, or alternative medication options.We are happy to provide ongoing support to ensure patients find the most suitable treatment plan.
To change medication
Your doctor will need to send us a referral with the following information:
- Medication/s that have been trialed
- Dose
- Duration of trial
- Effects / Side Effects
Research shows that outcomes are more effective when behavioral and medication treatments are combined.
- Medication Treatment
There are various medications approved to treat the symptoms of ADHD and the medications are typically prescribed by your GP.
If you wish to consider stimulant medications, a special authority is required. Consideration of a special authority is included in the Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment option.
If our team determines that the information provided is sufficient to meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, and there are no contraindications, we will apply for special authority and then refer you back to your GP who will then be responsible for initiating your medication and providing ongoing prescriptions.
- Medication Changes
Medication changes due to ineffectiveness or side effects
As part of our duty of care, our clinical team is available for GPs to consult with regarding medication changes, side effect management, or alternative medication options.We are happy to provide ongoing support to ensure patients find the most suitable treatment plan.
To change medication
Your doctor will need to send us a referral with the following information:
- Medication/s that have been trialed
- Dose
- Duration of trial
- Effects / Side Effects
- Behavioral Treatments
We offer Executive Function Coaching to help create strategies that can be used to manage ADHD symptoms.
Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can also be effective in helping reduce the negative effects ADHD symptoms can have on your life and experience.
Information for Medical Practitioners
- How to Refer to NZTN
We are currently listed on ERMS (NZ Telepsych Network).
If you are not a user of ERMS, please send any referrals to this email address and we will contact the client to start the assessment process.- The Ideal Referral
The ideal referral for our service includes:
- Patient email address and phone number
- The difficulties that are thought to be attributable to ADHD
- Past medical history
- Mental health history (or lack thereof)
- Substance use history (or lack thereof)
- Diagnostic and follow-up letters, if a diagnosis of ADHD has previously been made
- Response to stimulant medication, if applicable, and the presence or absence of side effects or concerns about misuse or diversion
If we receive this information in your referral, we will be able to proceed quickly and without needing to reach out to your team for more information.
- Why we refer back to GPs after diagnosis
After diagnosis, clients will be referred back to their GP for application of special authority, initiating medication and providing ongoing prescriptions for several reasons:
- In-person medical evaluation: Because our service is online-only, we need GPs (or nurses) to conduct any required physical examinations.
- Cost-effectiveness: It's more affordable for clients to see their GP for prescriptions and for follow-up appointments, rather than a psychiatrist.
- Limited psychiatric resources: Due to the limited availability of psychiatrists in New Zealand, having GPs manage the special authority and ongoing care of clients enables us to utilize the psychiatrist's expertise more resourcefully. This strategic allocation of psychiatric resources enables more patients to benefit from specialist care.
- Medication prescriptions: For certain medications, like stimulants for ADHD, GPs need special authority to prescribe. We will apply for special authority and then ask the GP to initiate and manage medication treatment. This process ensures clients receive comprehensive primary care support, and allows us to help more clients efficiently.
- In-person medical evaluation: Because our service is online-only, we need GPs (or nurses) to conduct any required physical examinations.

"Thanks very much, I'm incredibly grateful for the quick and professional service provided by NZTN. I had struggled to find a suitable service to pursue a diagnosis with for the past year and, as I'm sure you can appreciate, the rapid turnaround provided by NZTN removes so many barriers. I'm looking forward to referring friends to NZTN who are seeking their own diagnoses as an accessible and timely option."
"Great communication. Prompt contact and replies."
"Fast service."
"Really pleased with the quick turnaround."
"I appreciate the thoroughness and promptness of this whole experience."