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Diagnostic Clarification Assessment

When an assessment is required but there are no specific referral questions, we offer a broad and comprehensive diagnostic clarification assessment to determine the best path forward.

This service is designed to understand your needs and provide tailored recommendations for your unique situation. Our comprehensive assessment ensures that all relevant factors are considered, giving you a clear and informed direction for your next steps.

The specific time required and assessment techniques used will be determined by the presenting challenges and the sources of information available.

Assessment Process

We conduct the assessment as a two-step process: Screening + Diagnostic Assessment

To proceed you will need to purchase the Diagnostic Clarification Screening Assessment service first.

Collateral Information

You will be asked to fill in a registration form with your personal details, as well as the names and contact details of people who know you well, both now and as a child. This is referred to as collateral information and is required to proceed with our services.

Why do we collect Collateral Information?

Mental health professionals use a combination of observed, reported, and endorsed symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that the diagnosis takes into account not only the individual's own experiences but also how their condition appears to others and manifests in their daily life.

The information from collateral sources is typically gathered using questionnaires that will be sent directly to the nominated person(s).

Current Symptoms
  • Collateral information about your current symptoms can be provided by anyone who knows you well now.  
Childhood Symptoms 
  • Collateral information about childhood symptoms can come from caregivers/parents/siblings/extended family or anyone who knew you well enough to report on your symptoms during childhood. School reports can also be helpful in documenting childhood symptoms and difficulties.  


1. Screening
Screening Assessment

Once you have paid for the screening assessment, and completed the registration form, links to the screening forms will be sent to you and the person or people you nominated to gather collateral information.

Review of Screening Assessment

Once all the screening forms have been completed, the information submitted will be reviewed by a registered psychologist and you will be provided with feedback about whether the information that is submitted supports the pursuit of a formal diagnostic assessment.

You will be contacted by our team to advise how to proceed.

2. Diagnostic Assessment

The diagnostic assessment interview is used to follow up on responses from the completed screening forms and to gather additional information about the person's history and any other potential causes of the person's difficulties, including other mental health conditions.

Additional Psychometric Forms

After the appointment, the psychologist may ask you to complete additional self-report measures depending on the information provided during the interview.


Mental health professionals use a combination of observed, reported, and endorsed symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that the diagnosis takes into account not only the individual's own experiences but also how their condition appears to others and manifests in their daily life.

Diagnostic Report

After the forms are completed and the diagnostic assessment interview has taken place, a report is generated that includes any appropriate diagnoses and treatment recommendations.


Our team does not prescribe stimulant medication. Instead, we apply for special authority and then refer you back to your GP who will then be responsible for initiating your medication and providing ongoing prescriptions.

Medication Changes

Medication changes due to ineffectiveness or side effects
As part of our duty of care, our clinical team is available for GPs to consult with regarding medication changes, side effect management, or alternative medication options. 

We are happy to provide ongoing support to ensure patients find the most suitable treatment plan.

To change medication

Your doctor will need to send us a referral with the following information:

  • Medication/s that have been trialed
  • Dose
  • Duration of trial
  • Effects / Side Effects




Diagnostic Clarification Screening Assessment
Cost: $100.00
Get Started
Diagnostic Clarification Assessment: Multidisciplinary Review and Special Authority
Cost: $1,550.00
Diagnostic Clarification Assessment
Cost: $1,010.00