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Special Authority Renewal

Renewals of Special Authority

With a GP referral

Your GP will need to send us a comprehensive referral, outlining the course of treatment, your dosage, any side effects, and any benefits. Our team can then review your case and, if appropriate, endorse the renewal of special authority.

To proceed, we need to know the following:

  • What is the current dosing regime?
  • Is the client deriving benefit from treatment?
  • Are there any side effects?
  • Are there any concerns about diversion or similar?

Without a GP referral or Complex cases

If your GP cannot provide a referral, or your case is complex, you will be asked to complete some psychometric forms, and we will arrange to see you virtually to gather information. 

If appropriate, we will then endorse the renewal of special authority which will be managed by your GP. We will need to know which GP surgery you are registered with so we can send them the letter of endorsement.


Our team does not prescribe stimulant medication. Instead, we write to your GP endorsing their application for Special Authority and then your GP will be responsible for initiating your medication and providing ongoing prescriptions.

Medical Practitioners

Referral Information

We are currently listed on ERMS (NZ Telepsych Network).
If you are not a user of ERMS, please send any referrals to this email address and we will contact the client to start the assessment process.

Why we refer back to GPs after diagnosis

After diagnosis, clients will be referred back to their GP for ongoing management and treatment for several reasons:

  1. In-person medical evaluation: Because our service is online-only, we need GPs (or nurses) to conduct any required physical examinations.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: It's more affordable for clients to see their GP for prescriptions and for follow-up appointments, rather than a psychiatrist.
  3. Limited psychiatric resources: Due to the limited availability of psychiatrists in New Zealand, having GPs manage the special authority and ongoing care of clients enables us to utilize the psychiatrist's expertise more resourcefully. This strategic allocation of psychiatric resources enables more patients to benefit from specialist care.
  4. Medication prescriptions: For certain medications, like stimulants for ADHD, GPs need special authority to prescribe. This authority requires a psychiatrist's endorsement, which we provide. We then ask the GP to initiate and manage medication treatment. This process ensures clients receive comprehensive primary care support, and allows us to help more clients efficiently.
Special Authority Renewal (GP referral)
Cost: $100.00
Special Authority Renewal (no referral/complex)
Cost: $200.00